The Girls: February 2016.

It’s been a busy months of birthdays for us with Amelia’s on the 25th January, Hollie and my husband’s on the 11th February and then mine is on the 28th February!
The girls have both enjoyed opening their presents and celebrating their birthdays.
One thing we have all been craving this month is being able to escape to the park. We managed to get their once recently and even though the playground was quite muddy, the girls enjoyed seeing the birds and just walking through the park.

The girls are still getting on well and Hollie is managing  to let Amelia play with her, doing things like Lego and play-doh, that before she would get annoyed if Amelia wanted to play too. I am pleased that Hollie has been more accepting towards her sister, makes life a little more peaceful!

The Me and Mine Project

My May Sunshine

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