Blog Planner Printables Part 3

I love writing lists and so when it comes to the blog I knew I needed to create some printables to allow me to write ideas and to dos down especially as when they are complete, I can tick them off. 
 When ideas come to me,  it really irritates me if I can’t remember something I really wanted to think about for my blog  and  I end up with about 20 post it notes around the place, so I created a basic ideas list to help me keep all these ideas together.
This printable, like the Blog Ideas, keeps all my to dos for my blog together and can keep track of the ones I have completed.
This printable is great if you think of any ideas to help improve your blog. It could be to do with blog design, ways to create new followers etc.
There is one more part to the series which will be on blog finance and will be posted on Wednesday.
I hope these printables will be useful to keep you more organised. 
See you soon. 

My May Sunshine

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1 Comment

  1. 7 April,2013 / 4:11 pm

    A list for blog improvement ideas, how fab. I see lots of planners for writing posts but never thought to plan out my improvements. Thanks for sharing!

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