3 little butterflies and 3 little flowers card.

Well I have been busy trying to make things to go in the shop and have gotten really into sewing which I’m sure will be dangerous as I keep seeing ideas of things I would like to try to make. Could be interesting to see how these things turn out.

 So the next card has 3 little butterflies and 3 little flowers on it.

For this card I decided to use three strips of paper down the card, add the ribbon and bow on one piece of paper, the pearl butterflies on another and left the 3rd piece plain.

Under the strips of paper I decided to add the greeting and the 3 stamped flowers with the green rhinestones.

The paper is fron Basic Grey Kioshi collection except the butterflies and the stamps is American Crafts Happy Birthday.

Thanks for stoppin by.

My May Sunshine

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